Friday, December 18, 2009
Linking in with LinkedIn
Thursday, December 17, 2009
What's Right with You?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Top 100 Tools for Learning 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
In Search of a Talent Management Strategy
So Cal Bio Keynote Talent Development
Talent Development
How Organizations Learn Example I
Life Coaching in a Nutshell
The Importance of Learning in Organizations
Using social media for 5 types of learning - Part 1
Using social media for 5 types of learning - Part 1
When many people think about "learning", they think about courses, workshops, online courses, etc - in other words formal learning. However, in recent years it has become common practice to describe learning as being either "formal" or "informal". What is the difference between the two?
Formal v informal learning
Jay Cross, the leading proponent of the term "informal learning", explains the difference between formal and informal learning in this posting on Informal Learning 2.0 on his blog (8 August 2009):
"Learning is formal when someone other than the learner sets curriculum. Typically, it’s an event, on a schedule and completion is generally recognized with a symbol, such as a grade, gold star, certificate or check mark in a learning management system. Formal learning is pushed on learners.
By contrast, informal learners usually set their own learning objectives. They learn when they feel a need to know. The proof of their learning is their ability to do something they could not do before. Informal learning often is a pastiche of small chunks of observing how others do things, asking questions, trial and error, sharing stories with others and casual conversation. Learners are pulled to informal learning"
In his seminar book on Informal Learning, Jay also points to the mismatch between the amount of informal learning that takes place in an organisation and the amount spent on formal learning.
The "80-20" meme is often quoted, that is. that 80% of all learning that takes place in an organisation is informal, yet it’s the 20% (the formal part) where most training departments concentrate their efforts. A number of people have questioned these numbers, so here are Jay's thoughts on where this 80% meme came from.
Although there is a lot of value in differentiating learning in this way - formal and informal, because it helps to explain that learning doesn't just take place in a classroom or when taking a formal course, the two terms have now become rather confused, mis-used, and even abused, e.g.
* Josh Bersin, suggested that the importance of informal learning within corporates is now being recognised, in a posting, entitled Informal learning becomes formal.
* Vendors are now trying to market their products using these new buzzwords, so we see promotions for systems that will "manage informal learning information" - which is clearly a contradiction in terms.
There is a need to be more specific about where and how learning takes place. When analysing examples of use of social media in learning, I identified 5 different ways that social media can be used within a learning context.
5 categories of learning
1. IOL - Intra-Organisational Learning - keeping the organisation up to date and up to speed on strategic and other internal initiatives and activities
2. FSL - Formal Structured Learning - formal education and training like classes, courses, workshops, etc (both synchronous and asynchronous)
3. GDL - Group Directed Learning - groups of individuals working in teams, projects, study groups, etc Even two people working together in a coaching and mentoring capacity
4. PDL - Personal Directed Learning - individuals organising and managing their own personal or professional learning
5. ASL - Accidental & Serendipitous Learning - individuals learning without consciously realising it (aka incidental or random learning)
Note: if we apply these categories to the formal/informal model of learning, then only #2 is formal and the rest are all informal. Clearly, the % of learning in each category is not going to be equal, but this does suggest that the split of formal/informal learning in an organisation in percentage terms of 20/80 is about right.
Harold Jarche took these 5 categories of learning and built this diagram to identify the amount of directedness involved in social learning:
Harold writes:
"What jumped out at me after the fact, and I’ve highlighted in red, is that social media for learning requires a lot of self-directed learning, either individually or as a participant in a group/organization. Externally directed learning (FSL) is only one of five possibilities."
Social Learning & You
Which learning category you interested in, this will depend on your role. In Section 2 of this Guide we look at each of the 5 types of learning and the part social media can play.
* Are you are an individual interested in supporting your own personal or professional learning? Go to Social Media & Personal Directed Learning and/or Social Media & Accidental & Serendipitous Learning
* Are you part of a group who want to support their own group learning or working? Go to Social Media & Group Directed Learning
* Are you an educator (teacher, trainer, etc) who wants to use social media to support a formal course? Go to Social Media & Formal Structured Learning
* Are you a Learning and Development professional, and approaching this, strategically, from the organisational perspective, if so you will need to consider all the above types of learning, including Social Media & Intra-Organisational Learning as well as how you can use Social Media to build an Integrated Social Learning Environment
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Developing a Social Media Strategy in 7 Steps
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
H R D 880 Employee Engagement
Monday, November 9, 2009
Ceo Guide To Social Media
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
3rd Knowledge Network 7th Nov 09 PSMB
Monday, November 2, 2009
Training Development Workflow
Sunday, October 25, 2009
7 Secrets to Get a Job Using Social Media - do you know them?
7 Secrets to Get a Job Using Social Media - do you know them?
Between current economic conditions and the technological evolution of the Internet, the traditional approach most job seekers have taken in the past is no longer viable.
The approach — developing a resume and cover letter, locating jobs on and submitting your resume to corporate sites and job banks, and crossing your fingers in hopes of receiving a call from a hiring manager — is, for the most part, a thing of the past. The new approach is far different. It boils down to the fact that there are fewer jobs available, more competition for those jobs and more touch points for recruiters and seekers to interact.
The current environment
There will be 1.5 million college graduates this year, yet the job growth rate is at a six year low, at 1.3%! The amount of jobs posted online is decreasing at over 13%, which has all led to the ratio of 3.3 job seekers per each job.
Social networks are starting to become part of the criteria that both hiring managers and college admissions officers are using to weed out applicants. One in five hiring managers conduct background checks using social networks (primarily Facebook), while one in ten college admissions officers do the same.
It’s time for you to be open-minded and think differently about how you’re going to get your next job and keep it. I’m not saying you shouldn’t submit your resume to job banks, corporate websites, vertical job agents (Simply Hired/Indeed) or attend job fairs, but these should only consume 10% of your time. The other 90% should be concentrated on the following seven social media secrets, which will not only get you a job, but help you create your own dream job!
1. Conduct a people search instead of a job search
The majority of jobs aren’t posted online. Hiring managers get a list of employee referral candidates before they even bother to view resumes from those who submit them online. Sometimes the listed jobs aren’t available or never existed in the first place. Many studies have noted that 80% of jobs are taken through networking, but few have sought to use the web to search and locate people they would actually enjoy working for at companies that they get excited about.
The 3-step people search:
1. Identify the top five companies that you would like to work for.
Use a focused approach instead of flooding thousands of inboxes with spam. You want to brand yourself, not just as the person of best fit for a job, but as someone who is eager and ecstatic to work for the company.
2. Use search engines to track employees that currently work there.
There are over 130 million blogs in Technorati and you can search through them to possibly find someone who works at one of your top five companies. You can search through corporate groups, pages and people on Facebook. You can even do the same on Twitter. Then there are people search engines such as pipl, peek you, and wink. Once you find a contact name, try googling it to see if there is any additional information about that person.
3. Connect with the person directly.
Social media has broken down barriers, to a point where you can message someone you aren’t friends with and don’t have contact information for, without any hassles. Before you message a target employee, realize that they receive messages from people asking for jobs all the time and that they might not want to be bothered on Facebook, where their true friends are. As long as you’ve done your homework on the company and them, tailor a message that states who you are and your interest, without asking for a job at first. Get to know them and then by the 3rd or 4th messages, ask if there is an available opportunity.
2. Use attraction-based marketing to get job offers
The traditional way of searching for a job was proactive, forcing you to start a job that you might not have enjoyed. The new approach is about building a powerful personal brand and attracting job opportunities directly into your doorstep. How do you do this? You become a content producer instead of just a consumer and the number one way to do that on the web is to launch a blog that centers around both your expertise and passions.
You need to be passionate to be committed to this project because it requires a lot of writing, creativity and consistency in order for it to actually help you. A blog is a non-intrusive, harmless and generous way of getting recruiters interested in your brand, without you even asking for a job! Make the recruiters fall in love with you and only send you opportunities that are related to your blog content, so you end up happy in the end.
This works a lot and is expected for new-age marketing jobs that require experience in social media and can even help you jump-start a new business off of your blog platform. By pulling recruiters into your world, you are able to impress them with what you want them to see and they can make a quick decision whether to hire you or not, without you hearing about rejection. Start a blog today using (for beginners) or install onto your own host (such as GoDaddy or Bluehost).
3. Be proactive on Twitter
Twitter has become the ultimate utility to connect directly with recruiters and employees at companies you want to work for. By conducting Twitter searches, following recruiters on your account and using the “@” sign to communicate with them on occasion, you will start to learn a lot about them and their companies.
Before you follow anyone on Twitter, you HAVE TO have a completed profile. This means, you should have a short bio, the location where you’re from, a link to a site that recruiters can go to for more information (I recommend your blog or your LinkedIn profile) and an avatar of yourself (not a clown or Homer Simpson please). This way, you stand a better chance of securing an opportunity or a relationship with people who care enough to read your profile.
Most people get jobs on Twitter by already having hundreds or thousands of followers. For example, I’ve heard of at least ten people getting a job by tweeting “just got laid off, looking for a job in finance” and then receiving a few direct messages with people who want to help them. Of course, these individuals had built trust, credibility and relationships with their followers over time, so they were more inclined to come to their rescue. You can do the same, just start right now!
4. Capitalize on LinkedIn
It’s no surprise that LinkedIn has been extremely profitable and successful as of late. Recruiters are starting to use LinkedIn as the main place for sourcing candidates because it’s free and the top professionals are on there. Many people don’t use LinkedIn to the best of their ability and fail to complete their entire profile, such that it says “100% complete.”
Just like any other search engine recruiters are using, keywords are extremely important. You want to fill out your entire profile, just like you would a resume, but include the same avatar you are using on Twitter (see above) and ensure that the summary section is complete. You’ll also want to get at least one recommendation from a supervisor or friend, which will give you a “1″ next to a “thumbs up” graphic when people search for you.
Then, you should import all your contacts from Outlook, Gmail, etc, so that you can start to build your network or grow your existing network. The more people you’re connected to the better because you’re only able to reach other people in your network (1st, 2nd & 3rd degrees) by having these connections. You may want to pay for a premium account, so you can contact other recruiters that may help you. Finally, you should conduct searches on there for jobs that you may be interested in and reach out to those individuals that may supply you with an interview or referral.
5. Advertise your brand using AdWords and Facebook Social Ads
Google AdWords is Google’s advertising platform, which offers CPC (cost-per-click) and CPI (cost-per-impression) pricing for advertisements on Google and partner sites. Some of their partner sites are newspapers, radio and TV.
Before running your advertisement, you need a landing page. If you have a website or blog, then use the resume page within it to display through advertising. This works beautifully because recruiters can see that single resume page and notice all the other pages/options on your website, to get a better sense of your brand.
Here’s how to create your ad:
• Title. When you create your ad, label yourself as a specialist, expert or guru on the title tag. You might want to state the fact that it’s your resume first.
• Description. In the next two description tags, pull out your biggest achievements in 6 words or less and list your personal brand statement or a few descriptors.
• URL. For your URL, don’t use the URL for your resume page. Instead use for personal branding purposes. Drop the “www” from the domain you want to promote because it’s unnecessary.
Facebook Social Ads allow businesses and individuals to advertise using Facebook’s news feed or left rail (will change to 2 ad spots on the right when the new interface swaps over). This program works similar to Google’s but you can use a picture and it’s more “word-of-mouth friendly” because ads travel through the news feed of friends.
Here’s how to create your ad:
• Title. What is the ad for? The title is the most important piece of your ad because it has the most “text” emphasis. I would say “I want to work for ” or “Resume for .” Try and be as specific as you can.
• Picture. Just like your Facebook picture, don’t use a picture that you wouldn’t want shown to your future employer. I would go for a professional yet personal picture.
• Description. Don’t write your resume, but instead give the viewer a quick description of who you are, what you do and what job you want in 25 words.
Once you create your ad, either link it to your Facebook page, LinkedIn profile or blog/website. These ads are all about targeting a specific group that would care about your resume or hiring you for that matter. When you select your target audience, keep your major in mind, as well as the company and location.
6. Construct a video resume and upload it to YouTube
A search for “video resume” on YouTube will give you over 1,700 results. Many video resumes are good, while others are so amateur and rehearsed that they subtract from a given candidates marketing program. The key with a video resume is that very few people have actually created one, so they serve as a differentiator in the recruiting process.
A good video resume is short, describes the value you can contribute to a given position, explains why you’re the best person for the job and talks about your background in a story-like format. If you aren’t a person with an outgoing and lively personality, then don’t bother creating one. Since you’re filming yourself, don’t rush because you can always try it a hundred times before you upload the final version to YouTube.
7. Subscribe to blogs that have job listings
We all subscribe to blogs to receive information based on our interests, at least I hope. Over time we rely on these sources for information to keep us updated on what is happening in certain industries or different trends that are developing. In the past few years, the larger blogs have started to integrate job banks into their own websites, using software/hosting from companies such as Job-a-matic.
Blogs that have taken this approach include Guy Kawasaki’s blog, GigaOM, and Jeremiah Owyang’s Web Strategy Blog.
Other blogs, such as Darren Rowse’s Problogger Blog offer blogging jobs, and Mashable has a job board highlighting jobs in social media and tech.
This targeting will save you from hours searching and help escort you to jobs that you’d actually want.
Integrate the traditional and social media approach
These seven secrets are extremely important in your next job search. The most successful job searches come from those who have already built up strong networks, both online and off. You need to integrate this new-age approach with the traditional approach you’ve already been using, in order to be consistent, so there are no surprises from the recruiter’s perspective. They want the candidate they see on paper or online.
I would recommend that you use a link to your blog, LinkedIn profile and YouTube video resume on your traditional resume. You’ll also want to link your existence on all social networks together. You need to be where recruiters are searching, as well as become a content producer so you can attract them directly to you. That is how you have a successful job search and stand out for years to come.
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Dan Schawbel is the author of Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success, and owner of the award winning Personal Branding Blog.
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Senior HRD Manager - Bangsar Village II Starbucks
We had the first Senior HRD Forum for selected people. The objective is to support and share reosurces with each others. In the team, we have five people. Topic of the month is "Change Management". The meeting is once a month.
Many had shared about the challenges of Change Management. We all have our challenges. As for me, the company I work with is undergoing tremendous challenges. The work I did in that organization is good but my resources is hugely insufficient. The other people have new challenges in transforming the culture, some are facing different management practices.
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Upcoming Facilitati on Workshops Ready for You (Oct09-Nov 09)
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Date : 29Oct09 (Thu) & 30Oct09 (Fri)
Time: 8.30am-5.30pm
Venue: YWCA Fort Canning Lodge
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Time: 8.30am-5.30pm
Venue: Orchid Country Club
Register on line @
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